Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lost: Season One

I just finished watching the first season of Lost. As I've been telling people that I'm trying to watch seasons 1-5 of Lost before the premiere, everyone is eager to tell me something. I think only one is a real spoiler. I figured that at the end of every season I'll list what Lost fans have told me along the way, share any comments and questions I have about the previous season...starting with which characters I dislike and then which characters are my favorite. So, here we go:

What I've learned from friends:
1. Whenever it rains, something bad is supposed to happen.

2. After season three things can get a little out of control and sometimes ridiculous.

3. A man comes along that might have all the answers but he gets run over by a bus.

(Oh and I already knew that there are "others" on the islands. No one told me...I just don't live in a hole.)

Comments and questions about season one:
1. I'm starting to dislike many characters. Jack being the first. He irritates me on so many levels. He overreacts, he's bossy (leadership and bossy are different), he doesn't cooperate and he needs to get off his high horse. Kate is starting to annoy me too...I get it, you run and you killed the man you loved. Michael needs to calm his ass down and become a better example for his son.

2. My favorite characters are John, Sun, Sayid and Charlie.

3. I have mixed feelings on this French woman. What was with the "Beyond the Sea" written with math equations? Why is she still on the island after sixteen years? She seems intelligent, strong and knows so much about the island. I don't think she's as crazy as the rest believe.

4. So this "monster" is a security system? It was obviously not a real monster because it doesn't sound organic, it sounds...mechanical. Maybe they shouldn't be wondering what the monster looks like or what it does, but what it's protecting. Also, how does it know when to "attack"?

5. It was probably better off that Boone died. That whole weird semi-incest thing probably would have been a big burden for him on and off the island. Plus he had angry eyebrow...nobody likes that.

6. That raft was a bad idea. I think it's better to try and communicate using the resources on the islands. Sayid seems to be able to make anything work, might as well let him make a new radio. There are parts all over the island! That itty bitty raft just seems stupid. Especially endangering the welfare of Walt. Michael and him should have stayed put.

7. I kinda hope everyone on the island becomes heroin addicts.

8. When will Jack get the heroin to use for medicinal purposes? It only makes sense, it will take care of pain when someone is hurt.

9. Why did Ethan want Claire so bad? I'm assuming he's part of the "others", but why did they take her? Why did they want her back so badly? What does Danielle have to do with the "others" or was her trying to take Claire while she was pregnant a coincidence?

10. WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP CRASHING ON THAT ISLAND?! Is there some sort of magnet?

11. What's under the island?

12. I want to know more about the cursed numbers. I like that part of the story.

13. Where is that woman's husband? Or is she just in some serious denial?

14. I'm excited to hear the "others" stories.

15. I knew when Danielle said that the "others" were going to take "the boy" that it was Walt and not the baby. Walt has some sort of ability. He seems to know what's good and bad and what might happen. The baby has done nothing but cry. DUH. But I don't think Danielle knew that Walt was on the island. But it would appear that the "others" knew he was there and where to find him...even off the island.

16. I don't think Walt is going to be hurt because he's too special. But I do wonder how Michael, Jin and Sawyer are going to get to shore. I know they won't be rescued. There's probably just enough of the raft left to get back to shore or maybe whatever is under the island will pull them back. Guess I'll have to start season two to find out...

I know I had more to say but I can't remember everything and I don't want to bore to to death...just waste your time and make you feel numb. Oh television, you're the best drug there is.

Oh and as always, please no spoilers! Thanks :)

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