Thursday, December 24, 2009

Lost: Season Four

Well season four has been a doozy! I think I forgot everything I wanted to comment on when the island disappeared. The fucking island moved! WTF????!?!?!?!?!!

I hate that Jack and Kate got together after they left the island. I can't stand him and I think he would be a horrible father. So I'm glad that he became an unshaven, pill popping retard.

I'm sad that John dies. And I'm curious to find out how.

I feel bad for Hurley. Anytime the poor guy gets a break something bad happens. Wins the lotto, has bad luck. Get's rescued, ends up going insane. Poor Hurley.

I knew something was going on with Jack's (and Claire's) father! How did he become this person?!

I understand why everyone has to lie about the island, but it's starting to stress me out.

What did Sawyer whisper to Kate?

Why is John's name changed?

Fucking love Sun right now. She's out to get her revenge. I wish Tarantino directed an episode where she goes on a killing rampage.

So time is a factor on the island. Obviously, Desmond has been a victim to this...who else has? It's a little confusing to me though. I can't figure out if time slows down or speeds up on the island. Or is it inconsistent? Like a little bit of both? When the doctor washed up on shore and he wasn't dead yet was a major clue, but I guess I'm still confused. The crew said the doctor wasn't dead. So either the boat is behind time than the island or the island is in the future.

Are they all dead like Hurley and Charlie say so? That would be crazy!

This girl, from the boat, what is her story? She's been to the island before and wants to stay there. She says she might have been born on the island, who are her parents?

Who is Kate with after Jack?

Why did Claire stay on the island with her dad and leave her baby? Charlie died to get Claire and Aaron off the island and Claire stays? That's pretty fucked up, Claire. Leave your daddy issues on the island and go be a mom. What did he tell her?

I hope Jack gets them all back to the island. Watching all this Lost has made me want to leave civilization and move to an island. I would totally love living there. I love adventure and I've never been afraid of getting my hands dirty. But anyways, the island wants them all to come back. I need to know more about that.

HOW THE FUCK DID THE ISLAND MOVE?! I can't get over it!

My brother told me that season five is "a total mind fuck." So I'm about to get fucked...mentally. Season five here I come!!!

Feeling Ambitious? Read These Too! (sorry for all the LOST posts)