Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Update To My Crazy Life

Well I put my notice in at work last Thursday and that night before I went to bed I received an email stating that the following day would be my last. It was bittersweet. I was glad to leave but nervous about money, mainly because I have none. Then my wheels started turning. Maybe they would give me at least a weeks pay for the sudden notice? Nope. Not one penny more and they actually had me stay later than I was supposed to! Phew...glad that's over. On top of the stress of money, I found out that my mom is going to be renting her house to my boyfriend and I and a friend of ours. Sweet! Wait, we have no money...shit. Time to get some! As if the stress isn't enough right now, I've decided to start two businesses. I know, I'm crazy. More on that as more becomes finalized, but for now here's a look into my first three days of freedom:

Day One of my new life was extremely lazy. It's too embarrassing to even think about.

Day Two started with a thorough car cleaning in temperatures just peaking thirty degrees with The Dead Weather blaring out of my dad's garage. After that I sorted out pennies from the rest of my almost twenty bucks worth of change and then decided to re-alphabetize my records and listen to a few.

Day Three was a little more social. After dropping my boyfriend off at work, I picked up our soon to be roommate and we went over to check out my mom's house which lead to my mom taking us our to lunch. The menu had vegetarian options! The food was good but the decor was country diarrhea, hard to digest. After we all went our separate ways I stopped in a Verizon only to waste my time. They really should change the name to Verjizzon. I picked up my boyfriend, he made a tasty vegan pizza and I made a vegan texas cake. I meant to take pictures but we were hungry. Sorry.

I'm definitely looking forward to spend more time learning how to cook and bake vegan, sewing too. Ad of course I'll have more time to spend with my awesome boyfriend and friends. Life may be a little tough right now, but I'm doing OK. I'm happy and I can't wait for the future.


Becca M said...

I need to know what these businesses are!!!! And congrats on quitting that job ;)

Three Cats and a Baby said...

When are you moving?! Who are you living with?! Why didn't I read this sooner?!

You are going to be CLOSE :)

Good b'c Jayden has been asking to see you more often. Aunt Katie sucks and refuses to live closer.

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