The episode didn't start getting interesting till Sayid was being tortured as part of a test which he failed. I'm not sure what kind of test they were performing. Are they looking for Jacob? Are they looking for the smoke monster? Are they looking for the dark man? Why are the trying to poison Sayid? What is this dust that keeps being shown? It was used as protection around their building in the season premiere then as a charge to shock Sayid. What is it and it's significance? And why burn/brand Sayid? Did the burning of his flesh have anything to do with the dust? They burned him right in top of the dust. They say he is infected, but I'm so confused.
And on a quick side note, they seem to know all just like the Others. Toga said "never did have a sense of humor" about Jack. What the hell was that all about?
But anyways, I digress, this infection is said to be a darkness that enters the body and once it reaches the heart the infected person is gone. And to add in that final shock (no pun intended) we're told that it happened to Claire. Finally we're starting to understand where the fuck Claire has been! Was she infected by Ethan or was he trying to help her?
Another side note: Ethan is claire's doctor in LA?! It sounds to me like there is a fate/destiny theme running here. Ethan is meant to be Claire's doctor, Kate (why does her alias "Joan Heart" sound so familiar?) is meant to have a connection with Claire and Aaron. Sometimes no matter what happens, if it's supposed to will.
Sorry about that, back to Claire and the infection. So Claire was somehow infected....was/is she a smoke monster? Is there more than one smoke monster? When we last saw her in the cabin with her father, Christian, was he the dark man? Or was he Jacob? Did that have anything to do with her being infected? What exactly convinced her to abandon Aaron in the middle of the night? And then Jin sees her alive in the jungle. So what exactly does "gone" mean? Physically? Spiritually? Mentally?
One thing is clear, I'm definitely infected with an obsession for Lost. :)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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